Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sewing: Cell Phone Wristlet

I've been working on a few sewing and crochet projects lately and thought I'd share a little project I did for my mom for Mother's Day.  When I visited my family in DC a few weeks ago, I noticed she was looking at these Vera Bradley cases.  I was looking at a bookstore here in town that sells Very Bradley and I couldn't really tell if her phone would fit in it, since she has an Iphone with an Otterbox case (which is kind of thick).  So, I decided to combat the problem by making my own version... and plus, I think homemade gifts are way better than overly priced (but super cute) gifts.  :)

It's not perfect, by any means, but I think it's quite good; especially considering it was my very first project that required a zipper!  And plus, the cell phone quality pictures don't do it justice!  But, it was all worth it when I was on the phone with my mom while she was opening her gift and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Did you open it?
(Mom opens gift)
Mom:  Oh, it's a cute scarf.... and a Vera Bradley case!
Me:  It's not Vera Bradley, I MADE THAT!
Mom:  Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous!!

Score!!  Exactly what I was going for! 

*** Here's the tutorial I (sort of) followed to make the cell phone case!  (I used an 8.5in zipper and used quilt batting instead of the interfacing to add extra cushion for the phone).

Much love,

Stephanie P.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sewing: Crochet Hook Clutch

So, I'm just now getting around to posting my latest (complete) sewing project; a clutch to hold all of my crochet needles and supplies.  Yea, I know it only too me like a month to post pictures... but here it is!

I am so proud of my very first sewing project without any assistance from my mom! :)  I love how it turned out.  It was so simple (once I learned the ins and outs of my new sewing machine) and great because all I needed was a few pieces of scrap fabric!  I'm so glad I FINALLY took the time to sit down and learn how my sewing machine works!  I now have a list of projects waiting on me to attempt including a table runner, 2 different clutches, baby bibs, and a casserole dish carrier with insulation!  Hopefully I can find some time in between work, church and household chores to actually complete a few projects!  This is the time of year that I get super jealous of people, like teachers, who have ALL SUMMER LONG to do whatever they please.  Sigh.  If only I were so lucky!  


Oh, and THIS is the tutorial you can follow to make a crafty clutch too!

Much love,
Stephanie P.