I'm gonna spare you the details and complaints, and move on by saying... we FINALLY got our new fridge (after almost 3 months of waiting) and it's changed our lives drastically! I never knew how much a simple little fridge can change.your.life. For one, we couldn't really use our new oven/stove because we had nowhere to store anything, or in our case, only had a dorm-size fridge to store the absolute necessities). In light of the entrance of
this fridge and the new year, I have pledged to cook more homemade meals (
eeek!!). I am actually pretty excited about it and am usually pretty competent when it comes to cooking... it just takes TIME and EFFORT! It's so easy these days to pick up a pizza or take out from our favorite restaurant on the way home and oh, do we fall into that trap oh so frequently. Now that we have our fridge, excuse number one has been taken out of the mix and it's time to tackle my pledge head on and you all get to join me on this ride of kitchen experiments, mishaps, and hopefully a few kitchen successes to add to the recipe box! YAY!
I decided to start off easy. This isn't what I had in mind for my pledge, but who doesn't like to make a few sweets every now & again and who doesn't need another recipe for quick and easy party snacks?! I found this recipe on
pinterest the other day and just had to try it! It was simple, only used 3 INGREDIENTS (including one of my personal favorites... CREAM CHEESE), and didn't even require any baking... I mean, get out of town! It doesn't get any better than that. And now, I introduce to you.....
{Click on picture for the recipe} |
The cream cheese and oreos combine to make a creamy, soft consistency that is to die for! Seriously, you must try this recipe if you haven't made something like this before.
Now, to tackle a real meal. On the menu this evening: Apple-Balsamic Pork Chops, Twice-Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, and Crescent Rolls. More reports on this later.
Much love,
Stephanie P.
I like that. Chef in training- very cute. :) And I really like this picture.